Engaging the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Posts tagged “brothers

Why I love my “Non-Calvinist” brothers/sisters

Four quick reasons:

1. They are family. They are my brother’s and sisters; we are all part of the body of Jesus Christ – purchased by His blood. Whether we agree on every issue or not, we are still spiritual siblings and are commanded to love each other.

2. Whether they know it or not, God has loved them so much that He hand picked them to adoption. If God has set His electing love on them, as He has me, without any merit found within the loved but more demerit than one can ever imagine; there is absolutely no reason why I should not love them also, seeing as I can give reasons to do so.

3. They truly do love The LORD. My believing non-Calvinist friends do love The LORD with all their hearts – some of them love Him more than I do! The parts of their theology that takes glory from God, or attempts to share some of His praise in the salvation of men, seem to go unseen by them. I believe that once they see the implications of their stance they would amend it because I believe the do have a consuming love for God. I have no reason to not love anyone who has a burning passion for my LORD!

4. They love others. I was raised “non-Calvinist”, my childhood pastor – a man I thank God for (in spite of our disagreements) – cares for me. In my childhood years he spoke to me as he thought best to keep me from moral failure and to encourage me to dive into God’s Word. It’s kind of ironic that it’s part of his influence in holding Scripture high that lead me to be a Calvinist!

Although I wish all my non-Calvinist friends were Calvinists, I love them dearly…. ‘just saying. =)